Impact Notes: Weds, April 3, 2024

STBC Family and Friends,

Our Wednesday time of IMPACT is back this evening at 6:30 pm at the church and online! Bring your children and students to church for a time of Bible study and fellowship!

The adults will begin a new series called “I’d Rather Be..” This evening we’re kicking things off by studying “I’d Rather Be a Donkey Than a Pharisee!” from Matthew 21. You don’t want to miss this. If we can learn from ants in the book of Proverbs, then surely we can learn from a donkey during the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

If you are able, I encourage you to come out to the house of God this evening. The sun is beginning to stay out a little longer now. The FELLOWSHIP we all need happens best in-person as opposed to being online or not participating at all. 

You will find the notes attached. 


Pastor Chris