Impact Notes: Weds, February 14, 2024

Part 2: “Moses, Martin, and a Mountaintop!’
Happy Valentine’s Day, STBC!! 

I hope your day has been filled with love, love, love– especially God’s love!

I also hope you are ready for Wednesday evening IMPACT!!

Why is IMPACT so import?We are making disciples of men, women, boys, and girls!We are loving on God, each other, and ourselves!We have a moment to worship God together in the sanctuary! We are also honoring our unmarried folks with a special Valentine’s Day gift, so be sure to be in the building this evening to get one!  For adult Bible study, we will continue our look at “Moses, Martin, and a Mountaintop, pt. 2.” This is a great opportunity for each of us to learn the Bible AND Black History as we see how closely paralleled the lives of these two freedom fighters were in comparison.

Observing some of the highlights of their lives will remind us and encourage us that the same God who wrote their stories has also written our stories. The same God who did great things through these two imperfect vessels stands ready to minister mightily to us and through us! Take a look at the notes and join us in the house or online at Facebook Live at 6:30pm CST.


Pastor Chris