Impact Notes: Wednesday May 15, 2024
STBC Family and Friends,
There are people in this world who are so hopeless due to the pain and dysfunction in their lives that they would rather be dead than alive. Unfortunately, some of those hopeless people are Christians. But I loudly proclaim, “The devil is a liar!” The God who allowed the pain can heal the pain (including the pain we created from our own choices). Not only is God able to heal us, He is able to use the dysfunction in our lives to make us capable ministers of His grace to others who are broken.
Abram, the “father of our faith” was a man who had multiple levels and layers of dysfunction in his life–YET God used him mightily. May we all be encouraged this evening to see that if we are still alive, God is not finished working on us, working with us, and working through us! This is why I can say, “I’d Rather Be Dysfunctional Than Dead!”
I invite you to join us at the church or online at 6:30 pm for our final Bible study of the spring. You will find attached the notes for this evening’s Bible study.
Pastor Chris